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R&K Farms: Innovating Agriculture on the Nebraska-Wyoming Border

R&K Farms: Innovating Agriculture on the Nebraska-Wyoming Border

Discover life on R&K Farms in this insightful tour of their farming headquarters located on the Nebraska-Wyoming border near Pine Bluffs, Wyoming. As branding calves goes on in the background, Kathy Freeburg discusses R&K’s calving operation. While her son, Travis Freeburg, showcases their dedication to progressive farming practices. From dry land wheat to large-scale corn production, R&K Farms utilizes cutting-edge technology, including remote display access and Ops Center integration, to streamline operations across their vast expanse. Learn from their technician, Chad Bomberger, how AutoTrac Turn-automation has revolutionized their planting process, freeing up time and maximizing efficiency. With a strong partnership with John Deere and their dedicated 21st Century Equipment representative Brian Larson, R&K Farms embodies the future of agriculture, embracing autonomy while nurturing the next generation of farmers. Join them on their journey towards a bigger and brighter future in farming.

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